Frequently Asked Questions

We answer frequently asked questions at our customer consultation desk.

About the Product [sai®]

01:Does "sai®" contain platinum ions?
We have confirmed that "sai®" does not contain platinum ions (detection limit 0.021ppm). "sai®" uses an ultrafiltration membrane during the manufacturing process to remove ionized substances.
02:Is it safe for people with metal allergies to drink "sai®"?
Generally, metal allergies occur when metals ionize in body fluids like sweat or saliva and are absorbed into the body. Precious metals like platinum and gold are hard to ionize and are used in jewelry because they typically do not cause allergic reactions. We have confirmed that the platinum in "sai®" is neither ionized nor oxidized, using electron microscopes. Additionally, a metal allergy patch test has determined that it is "safe." (If you have experienced platinum-induced metal allergies or have allergic reactions after consumption, please consult a physician.)
03:How should "sai®" be stored?
Do not freeze "sai®." After opening, store it in a cool, dark place like a refrigerator.
04:How should "sai®" be consumed?
It can be consumed as is or mixed with water or other beverages. Many regular consumers drink approximately one box (150ml) of "sai®" per month, usually in the morning when they wake up or before bed. (If mixed with mineral water or other drinks, the ingredients may coagulate or precipitate, so it is recommended to consume it quickly.)
05:Is it safe for children to drink "sai®"?
"sai®" is a soft drink made of water and platinum. It is safe for children to drink.
06:How long does it last after opening?
The shelf life before opening is one year from the date of manufacture. After opening, it becomes more susceptible to external influences and its quality may change, so it is recommended to consume it within one month.
07:Why is the color black?
When platinum forms nanoparticles and is in a colloidal state (dispersed in water and appearing dissolved), the color is determined by the interaction between the electron cloud surrounding the nanoparticles and the wavelengths of light. For gold, this color is red to purple; for silver, it is yellow; and for platinum, it is brown to black. "sai®" appears black because it has a high concentration of platinum nanoparticles.
08:Is the platinum the same as the precious metal platinum?
The platinum (white gold) used in "sai®" is of nearly 100% purity. Known as the queen of metals, platinum is valued not only for its beauty but also for its superior properties, such as resistance to change and rust.
09:Doesn't the platinum accumulate in the body?
Studies by the Biomolecule Measurement Research Institute and Tokai University have proven that the platinum in "sai®" is not absorbed by the body or skin. Additionally, it has passed various toxicity tests, confirming its safety.
10:Can it be consumed with health foods?
"sai®" is a soft drink made of water and platinum. Since it is not absorbed by the body, it can be safely consumed with health foods.

About Usage, Purchase, and Shipping Methods

11:How do I place an order?
You can place an order by phone, internet, or fax. For details, please refer here.
12:It has been over 10 days since I ordered, but my order has not arrived.
If your order has not arrived, there may be an issue. Please contact us during business hours or by email, and we will promptly investigate and respond.

【Business Hours】 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and year-end/New Year holidays)
Toll-Free Number: 0800-800-1991 (free call)
13:I ordered online, but I did not receive a confirmation email. Was my order received?
We apologize for any inconvenience. This may be due to incorrect email address entry or a server error. As long as we have received your order data, we will process your order even if the confirmation email did not arrive. Please contact us during business hours or by email for a prompt investigation and response.

【Business Hours】 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and year-end/New Year holidays)
Toll-Free Number: 0800-800-1991 (free call)
14:My product arrived damaged. What should I do?
We apologize for any inconvenience. First, please check the condition of the outer packaging (box or bag). If there is damage to the outer packaging, please inspect the condition of the product inside in the presence of the delivery person. If the product is damaged, please hand it back to the delivery person and inform us. The delivery company will contact us to arrange a replacement, and we will promptly send a new product. If there is no damage to the outer packaging but the product is damaged, please leave it in its current state and contact us immediately. If possible, take a photo and send it to us by email. We will promptly send a new product. Please report any damage on the same day you receive the product. Reporting later may obscure the cause and responsibility, and we may not be able to provide a replacement.

【Business Hours】 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and year-end/New Year holidays)
Toll-Free Number: 0800-800-1991 (free call)
15:What should I do if the information I'm looking for is not available or if I want to know more details?
Please feel free to call us during business hours.

【Business Hours】 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and year-end/New Year holidays)
Toll-Free Number: 0800-800-1991 (free call)
About sai®
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